Friday, July 23, 2010

HARD Decisions... :O

Ugh. So, we've all ran into that situation when you just cannot decide. It can be over something silly or even over something can change the rest of your life. Either way, it's still tough. Throughout my time, I have been involved in many of these situations. In fact, in the span of a week, I can go through several [eg. at the mall with boyfriend, he asks "what do you want to do?" I respond "I don't know" for about the whole 2 hours ^_^]. Then again, I am sure I'm not the only one! So, now I've decided (wow, um, that was out of no where...) to look up random solutions. Of course, this is all Google's work here :). But before I show these magnificent findings, I shall discuss my many thoughts on these "decisions." Why the quotes? I don't know. So here it goes...
1) Stop asking me questions. People should know by now, I'm indecisive. I mean, every now and then, I may have an answer, but for your sake, I suggest to not even try.
2) Why are you making it so difficult??? Sometimes you must dumb it down for me, I abhor the most minute usage of intellengent words when communicating with me. LOL, jk, yeah right. But at least use words that Einstein would understand.
3) Slooooowww dooowwwnnn. My god, you speak as if the world's going to end the next second! A casual conversation doesn't have to be so fast. I mean for crying out loud, it's CASUAL!
4) OMG, the ice cream truck is outside!!! Give me money!
5) Okay, I enjoy randomness (obviously shown above) BUT, don't skip from one thing to another just like that. Give me some time. Decisions don't decide themselves.
6) Sometimes those pros and cons lists aren't so bad. They can actually help. Unless, of course, you end up being equal on both sides... Then you're on your own.
7) I think I'm out of whatever I'm listing now, so I'll put up the sloutions and/or links to solutions. But if I have more, again whatever these may be, I will list them at the end.

Random Solutions (they might help, or not):

So, those are some of the things I have stumbled upon. I found more but most of them were way too wordy, so I just saved you your time. You should just love the fact that I'm being so generous for you :P. Now, I think I have thoguht of other random things, even if they don't pertain to this specific topic.

8) < Oh look at that a smiley! Well anyways...
9) I HATE when people smack. Nasty. Eww. Just get your jaw shut already.
10) My true love is a cat named Monkey.
11) Have you noticed this has nothing to do with the topic? I suppose I should put something...
12) Nah, I've decided (seriously?! What's with that happening?!) against it.
13) So, I like Facebook, but only for the chatting with friends and liking random things for the fun of liking things.
14) My dog's name is Bongo Wingie. So not joking by that.
15) I still have Weasley a.k.a. Ron. Duh. But yeah. I'm ready to part with him though.. :'( I'm not crying, my house is very dusty.
16) I think I'm done now.
17) I don't know, am I done?
18) OMG this decision is too hard!
19) HELP ME!!!
20) Oh right, I put solution links.
21) Oh well, I'm lazy. So, I guess, bye. Until next time, shall we meet again... ^_^