Sunday, July 25, 2010

Ello Again My Friends!

I'm back! Yes I am. And I'm happy. Why? I shall tell you :).

First off, the party/camping was ridiculously fun, obviously from the no blog yesterday. We played twister, or butt-in-da-face. That was fun... Luckily though, it was the guys who really faced that problem, or worse, but I won't go there ^_^. We listened to music [Crazy Frog and The Killers :D]. Played a ninja game, I sucked but I would love to play again! We sat on each other and made a table of ourselves without furniture support. It was fun, but definitely interesting. Another thing I failed at, but the guys did a four person push-up. We played some blackjack. Never have me deal, aparently people don't like it if I don't understand something at first -_-. We ate food! We watched the beginning of Inglorious Basterds. What else...? Oh, well the guys finally all left, so my friend and I began to do whatever. We had some s'mores and hot chocolate. And yes, hot chocolate in the summer, IT'S ALLOWED! Around midnight or so, we went into the kiddie pool and floated around in a mini (mini for us at least) inner tube. First pool I've been in this summer :(. Then we were up to about 3, listening to random music channels, messing around and talking.

Then today, we hung out with my bestest buddy/brother all day.

So yeah. Living the life man. I think that's good for today. Next time as usual. :)