Wednesday, August 4, 2010


It's over!!! :D Okay, so yesterday I got my wisdom teeth taken out. And they gave me about a million drugs... I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing... jk :P First off, they gave me nitrous oxide a.k.a. laughing gas. Then later on, they had to stick an IV in my hand(my veins are apparently quite internal), which gave me Valium, Demerol, Perkaset, Local Anesthetic. Later they noticed a rash so they gave me IB Profen. Then as a prescription I have Vicedon. Lovely to know I am now a sort of druggie... [and yes I know I made some spelling mistakes, shut up] So yeah, that ws great. It was weird being aware, but not exactly there... if that makes sense. NOw I get to eat mushy things, rinse my mouth with salt water, and look like Choji from Naruto!!! XD Anyways, yeah, it felt like that the surgery went for 2 seconds and then it was done. Weirdness. I think I'm done for today. So, nExT tImE!!!

"Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished if you're alive, it isn't." - Richard Bach