Monday, August 23, 2010

To: Twilight Fans; From: Rose

SHUT UP ALREADY!... Thank you. :P I like werewolves. I like vampires. I like all of that fantasy stuff. But Twilight... has ruined it all! The movies themselves were gay, but the fans are the worst! I mean, yes some ofthem are my friends, but PLEASE, I don't wanna be dragged into it. It's stupid. :P I honestly don't care if Edward, please forgive me for even knowing the charaters names, sparkles in the sunlight like a goddess. I don't care who's better. either Edward or Jacob, Bella's such a biscuit, I choose neither. And why is just about every teenage girl fighting about who's better anyways, you'll probably never meet this guy! Okay, okay, I'll stop. For Twilight at least. You don't need to say much about it. But today, I have some complaints on movies. I'm just in a mood to give my opinion.

Alright now, Lord Of The Rings. Good story, good concept, bad actors. C'mon Frodo! Stop all that whining, we get it! Randomly though, I love the round doorways in their home <3

The Hangover. LOVE that movie, it was hysterical, but the duck. They never explained the duck!!!

Oh wow, I'm movie deprived. I can't think of any to mess with. Darn. Oh well. Although, one morething to point out. Pirates of the Carribean, The Black Pearl. At one point in the movie when they're on the ship, a casting crew member is seen in the shot. I beleive he's wearing a white t-shirt and a cowboy hat... On the left side of the screen. WATCH IT! :D

That's it for now. Au revoir mon petit croissant! [Bye my small croissant! :P]

COMMENT QUESTION??? - What complaint do you have about whatever movie? -or- What have you seen in a movie that just didn't belong?

"Life is a fatal complaint, and an eminently contagious one." - Oliver Wendell Holmes