Saturday, July 17, 2010

Late Night Hyperness...

Symptoms: The feeling that you are wide awake, a friend near you says your not acting like yourself, meaning this is in their head while they watch you "Either she's drunk or high, but whichever, she's a nut!!!", you may curl up on the floor as that friend throws numerous pillows at you, and lastly, when that friend's gone, you pass out.

Okay, so why am I telling you this? Because that's exactly what happened late last night/early morning... Both of our mother's last night, had wanted to go out for a drink and leave us at my house. I was on the computer, what's new, and then they showed up. Mother went out the door and my friend and I surfed the web. For a while, we were on You Tube, then we went on Facebook and started chatting with a friend that was across the street. Mind you, this was around 10. After that, we went onto and played Casualty 1 and 2. Who knew it'd be crazily addicting trying to kill off stick figures... :P Soon after, wait, scratch that, a couple hours later, our mothers show up. That doesn't mean the night's over quite yet, no, not at all. So when they sat on the couch and began to talk as if their mouths had never talked before, we went upstairs to my room. Just a quick switch of computers and we were still chatting with our other friend. Until maybe 1 in the morning, we asked if he knew who he was talking to, but in the end we told him that he was talking to Weasley (told you that will be his name for the weekend) the magical fish. While we kept chatting, we also messed around with a slap bracelet (you know, that thing that you slap on your wrist and poof! it's wrapped around it). Then we thought of an EPIC video for You Tube. What if we were sitting about a yard from each other, me with my arm out, her with the slap bracelet, and throw it to seeif it wraps around my wrist.. FAIL. But we kept the video. Not sure why, just did :). Now it's around 2, I get bored and clean/organize my room a bit, still chatting, and getting insanely tired. For another hour we chatted, then finally he went to bed. I was finally done doing anything, I honestly didn't want to move, but late night hyperness my friend, late night hyperness kicked in. I could've looked like a drunk or just a crazy person, but there's no control. Your wild if you like it or not. From 3 to 4, I laid down on my floor as my friend throws pillows at me. Eventually it ended and she was leaving at 4. Said goodbye, walked back to my room, climbed into bed, didn't care the lights were on, and passed out as if I had taken a pill. Now here I am warning you these symptoms for future precautions as it may occur to you. So never say I didn't warn you, becuase I did, just now, yeah. Next time mon copains.

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