Monday, August 9, 2010

If curiousity kills the cat...

...Then I must be dead. x.x Like seriously!!! Alright, so, I should probably fill you in on this little dealio here. Backstory time! hehehehe...

Yesterday is when this all began. I was sitting here chatting with friends on Facebook, blasting my music on insane volumes, and of course texting my boyfriend. He is away on a trip at the moment, again... So, everything was normal, everything was plain, everything was usual. Here I am, as he, my boyfriend, texts me. He asks "Do you like Harry Potter?" I reply, "Yes I do." Okay, so this may not seem weird, but it was so out of the blue. Then he asked "Who is your favorite character?" I say "Oh, um, that weird girl I always forget the name of. Uh... Crap, she is the "awkward" one, she's blonde... Ugh, what's her name?!" ...moments later... "Luna!" "Ok :-)" ...Uh, what? Okay so then I asked him who his favorite character. He said Serius Black. Alright, nice. But then "So why the random Harry Potterness?" "You will see." Uh, again whaaat? "...Okay." He says, "Oh I got you an amazing gift... when I give it to you it will be the most awkward moment of my life so far :-)" I casually reply, "Okay, then I will ask no more :) you didn't have to get me anything." But theeen! "Ok :-) though I'm not sure if you will slap me."

WHAT THE HECK?!?! What the fudge did he get me??? Just wait though, there's a bit more...

So I'm curious. I'm going to ask friends now what they think. Well two, but it's good enough! First Kirpal. He says if it's awkward for him, then it must be something gay. I ask Alex, he says "No, it makes me the opposite of gay." Ummm... Then I ask another friend, Zahra, she says maybe it's a costume. "Is it a costume?" "No, but it's close." What the heck is close to a costume?!

So here are my clues:

1) It's a surprise.. duh
2) It's Harry Potter related, possibly even the character Luna specifically...
3) It's amazing
4) It will be the most awkward thing in his life so far when he gives it to me
5) I might have the urge to slap him when he gives it to me *That's what she said.*
6) He will appear far from gay, good because he's mine <3
7) Close to a costume

SHI - FREAKIN' - TAKE!!! Sooo curious. I both love and hate anticipation... He gets back Friday. What is it, Monday? I'm so dead! Consider myself the dead curious cat.

~(   ( -o- ) "Cuuuuuurrrrrrious." ...That was lame. Oh well. Next time amici miei. [my friends in ITALIAN :D]

COMMENT QUESTION??? - What do you think he got me?!

"I could not, at any age, be content to take my place by the fireside and simply look on. Life was meant to be lived. Curiousity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life." - Eleanor Roosevelt


  1. One of the hints is wrong!!!! Diabolical boyfriend! Fudge monkeys on a bicycle! [I say that sometimes... Don't ask] Anyways, he won't tell me which. Me thinks it's the Harry Potter thing. I dunno!!!

  2. ohh maybe he got u something... interesting.

  3. I agree with the interesting thing if its akwerd it may be something...PLAYFULL

  4. lol, playfull... gotta be carefull a girl could take that the wrong way :p

  5. there are so many possibilities... but thank you, sort of. eh, i just like playing with this, i can manage the wait. :D *tomorrow... WTH is it?!?!

  6. you guys are F tards its easy to see what he got her its a harry potter leash...for her. have fun you two :/

  7. nah man I'm thinkin' somethin' more shiny, yah dig?

  8. probably something shiny, i agree. XP

  9. u guys are so perverted ugh and like he is not going to buy her a leash and like its not shiny. he is of course buying his GF a Luna poster u guys are so like stupid

  10. she's just sore because she doesnt like people talking about her leashes

  11. So, this is Rose's had better NOT be anything shiny, YA DIG!

  12. ur such a d*** my BF is so like totaly awsome

  13. hey baby, why don't u get here? u know what they say, "if u go black u never go back"!.

  14. umm, i'll just let you guys roll now.

  15. You bitches are complete and udder douch bags. my darling your boyfrind is afraid he's bad in the haystack so he got you a harry potter or Luna...accesery for your personal enjoyment

  16. No clue whatsoever :3
    Be sure to post what it is when it happens though!
