Saturday, August 7, 2010


Whoopsies. :] Sooo, yesterday. I asked my boufriend what to write for my blog that day, and then I got sidetracked chatting with my friend. So, here it is today. :D

Zodiacs. People love 'em. It's a chance for those to view their love compatibility, their future, and sometimes their luckyness. [luckyness is fun to say :P] For whenever you were born there is a specific zodiac sign according to you. Although, sometimes if you're just that special, you are born on the cusp, meaning you are a part of two different zodiacs, so things are different for you. Just so you understand what I mean by this, I will show you a chart of the different zodiacs.

Okay, so, I couldn't find a chart showing the cusps, but with this, it shows the basics. Even though I'd love to keep talking about this, I want to share something kind of funny. Something funny that I have learned about myself and my boyfriend. We both took this Facebook quiz "How Sexy Is Your Zodiac?" and these were the results:

Me(Scorpio)-Can be mean. EXTREMELY sexy. Intelligent. Energetic. Predict future. Most erotic. (Freak in bed.) (GREAT kisser.) Always get what they want. Sexy. Attractive. Easy going. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. The sexiest ever....Romantic. Caring.

My Boyfriend(Gemini)- Nice. Love is one of a kind. Great listeners Very Good in bed. Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you the #### out. Trustworthy. Always happy. Loud. Talkative. Outgoing VERY FORGIVING. Loves to make out. Has a beautiful smile. Generous. Strong. ULTRA SEXY. THE MOST IRRESISTABLE.

Funny, I know. But agreeable. :D And, I am the sexiest ever!!! Bwa ha ha... Anywho, I thought that was fun. Back to the original topic!!!

The zodiac is pretty much always something fun to mess around with. :3 As you can see above...

So, for the heck of it, here's everybody's horoscope today:

ARIES There is something gentle, regular, steadfast and determined about you this Saturday. You are accepting and nurturing--providing a nest or place for family members to gather and be close with each other. You care and always enjoy being helpful with your loved ones. Remember, though, sometimes a listening ear is all that is necessary. Allow someone else to have the neat ideas or the last word--for today. While there are good parts to being in control there are also negative points to ponder when one person is the decision maker. Allowing someone else to be in control may bring you just as interesting experiences and a relief of duty. This is a good day and close relationships can become even closer. A new type of cooking perks your interest this evening.

TAURUS There is optimism, faith and a tendency to take chances at the deepest emotional levels. This is a time of exploring your feelings and a kind of restlessness for new emotional experiences. There is an emphasis on communication, expression of ideas and the connections between things, places and people. Your family encourages you in your artistic abilities. You tend towards mental pursuits and admire intelligence. You may find yourself in a group setting where opportunities will present themselves. There is much mental and physical activity. Tutoring and lecturing could be included here. You love to express yourself and enjoy being surrounded by an audience. You are very magnetic and dynamic. Others love to be with you.

GEMINI A conversation with loved ones today may bring up such beloved subjects as the psyche and the psychological. You are intuitive and enjoy debates and discussions. You are able to carry out ideas and bring your dreams into real life phenomena. You are very communicative as well as curious and may find you enjoy writing, teaching, lecturing or just talking with other similar thinking individuals. Study, research and investigations appeal to you. Continued education or a new class in a favored subject is calling your name. You are always searching out some answer or another. Visiting with family, especially your sibling(s), is most important this afternoon. This evening you will enjoy catching up on some recorded movies or news.

CANCER You have the energy and opportunity to accomplish whatever you want to accomplish today. There is much energy and drive. If you can, play some music that will keep you going at a steady beat. By the time you finish your project(s), you will feel as though you only started--time flies. A little roof repair here, a little yard work there, a few chores and your ready to hop into a pool or hammock for the rest of the afternoon. You have great insight into matters of personal freedom. You can usually come up with brilliant ways to express, or act out ideas. New methods of lovemaking, raising kids, caring for animals are yours. You are outspoken, very dramatic, impressive and even regal. You relax with a mate tonight.

LEO You have information this Saturday that you had not known about before--a missing piece of the puzzle, so to speak. You clear up some questions between you and a loved one or friend this morning and the rest of the day just moves along quickly. Attention to family relationships, domestic chores and romance is favored today. This is a time of exploring your feelings and learning about sharing. Events may line up in your favor and fair play can be realized. You are willing to listen to others, take cues and then reflect and build upon that information. Others find you gentle, steady and for the most part, kind. Remember, you have to take time to involve yourself in family or neighborhood activities later today--this will build those firm foundations.

VIRGO You may be especially dynamic and assertive today. There are lots of energy and drive available to accomplish anything you want. You may be representing your company in public surroundings today in some form of advertisement, display or presentation. Ambition and achievement are qualities you hold in special regard. This is a time for getting ahead, a time for combining business and pleasure and a time for enjoying your career with its rewards. The social graces pave your path to success this afternoon. Although this is a Saturday, you put your skills to work in some way to represent your company in the best light. Use opportunities today to network. You find yourself through other people. You may meet someone new and fun today.

LIBRA There will be an opportunity to overcome a language barrier. Today?s aspects bring you charisma, originality and favorable notice. A good conversation with those you love is possible during the day. You could be preparing for out-of-town company much of the afternoon. You are at your most elegant, particularly in social situations. This is a good time to have friends or family in your home to visit or for entertaining. Your enthusiasm is high and your energies move in positive directions. Pay special attention to your diet and make plans to improve your exercise habits. After your company leaves, or they settle in for the evening, enjoy a long walk with your mate to relax. You may become tempted to take part in a marketing test; read the fine line print.

SCORPIO A communications breakdown may have you jumping to make life a little more pleasant. Sensitivity to the needs and wants of others and an appreciation for their frailties, as well as your own, makes you more cautious and conservative . . . you pick your battles with care. A natural sense of what is right brings you a great deal of popularity. People ask your advice often. Family, home, relatives and real estate play a big part in your life now. You want to belong and be included in decisions--by asking questions you will be able to decipher through and express your own feelings. You are lucky today. Like a fish in water when in the limelight or in a group, you have an innate social charm. You find opportunities to show off your fun side tonight.

SAGITTARIUS Your mind is quick and you are full of sharp insights. There is a feeling that anything is possible if you set your sights high enough. You will locate the right people to help you with some project today. You have optimism, faith and a tendency to take chances at deep emotional levels. You are in top form when it comes to mental activities and this could be a time for real breakthroughs in the idea department. Your dreams, visions and ideals propel you in your activities. This is a time of good fortune when things open up in a very natural way for you. Relationships in general get a boost. Harmony is deeply satisfying and get-togethers with friends and loved ones this evening puts a fun ending to a very full day. Perhaps you are learning to truly relax.

CAPRICORN Fun times with friends, family or both can be enjoyed this Saturday. You could feel great support from those around you, or circumstances may dictate your taking action. You feel healthy, natural and highly energetic. You love a social life--friends and relationships play a major role in your makeup. You could decide to take a short trip to a nearby city for an auction, entertainment, special sale, etc. Close bonds, such as family or friends are very important to you. You like beautiful surroundings, everything that is calm, tasteful and harmonious. You are very giving and flattering in relationships, able to adjust to any situation. Reflective and tactful, you are able to please others. This is one of those days that are fun and satisfying for all.

AQUARIUS This morning is a good time to do a little exercise in order to become focused and grounded for the busy day ahead. You may find that others want you to respond to their needs in rapid order. Easy does it!!! Let us get priorities straight. You will probably be coordinating events and supervising as well--this could involve children, professional responsibilities or entertaining guests. Make guidelines known and all will be successful. Take pictures and encourage picture taking. This is a time of making beautiful memories. Take time to play and enjoy your loved ones this afternoon. A friend, who has been out of touch, mysteriously reappears today. You will find the highlights of her or his story quite interesting. Laughter and shared stories are fun.

PISCES You are able to solve problems and guide others through some weird happenings today. The unexpected pops up from time to time and today just may be one of those unorganized times. You have the intuitive insight that will be best put to use in interesting situations. Using your higher power for guidance, you will gain a clear vision of whatever action is needed. There are breakthroughs regarding inner growth as well as compassion and communion. Attention settles on home, security and family values. You find new opportunities for adventure. This evening you may find your own life influenced when you encourage a young person to continue her or his education and start working toward her or his goals.

All of these were from -

Check it out!

So yeah, those are just your readings for today. Plus if you go to the site I put there, you can view compatibility and all that schnizzle.

Before I go, I'd also like to mention other fun things to try, even if you're not all that into it. Like palm reading, tarot(card reading), visiting a psychic, getting your chakra read, and so on and so on. It may sound weird or maybe even dumb, but give it a try, and it might actually be amazing. Well, hope you like it! Until next time, we will meet again. ;)

COMMENT QUESTION??? - What do you think is weird, but you enjoy doing anyway?

"The sharing of joy, whether physical, emotional, psychic, or intellectual, forms a bridge between the sharers which can be the basis for understanding much of what is not shared between them, and lessens the threat of their difference." - Adure Lord

And for today, just for laughs, I found this! :D LOL

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